Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan
On Administrative Proceedings
This Law is aimed at ensuring that the human
rights and liberties are being followed by the administrative bodies and at
achieving the supremacy of the law.
Chapter I
General Provisions
1. Rules defined by the Law
1.1. This Law defines legal foundations,
principles and procedures of the activities exercised by the administrative
bodies regarding the adoption, execution or repeal of the administrative acts.
1.2. The provisions of this Law have retroactive
effect on other activities (actions) of the administrative bodies with physical
persons and legal entities that are of a factual nature.
Article 2.
Basic definitions used in the Law
2.0. The basic definitions used in this Law will
mean the following:
2.0.1. administrative body - relevant executive
bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, their local (structural) and other types
of organizations, municipalities, as well as any physical persons or executive
bodies with the legal authority of adopting administrative acts;
2.0.2. administrative act - a resolution, order
or another type of government measure adopted by the administrative body in
order to regulate or solve a certain (specific) issue on general (public) legal
field and the one resulting in certain legal consequences for the legal bodies
or physical persons they have been addressed to;
2.0.3. interested person - any physical person
or legal entity that has appealed to the administrative body for the adoption
of an administrative act or for the execution of an appropriate action or a
person about whom an administrative act has been adopted or a person who has
committed a certain action (inaction) or a person whose rights or interests
protected by law are directly affected by or might be affected by the
administrative act that is planned to be adopted or has been adopted by the
administrative body or by any action of the administrative body and a person
who has been subject to administrative proceedings at his own expense or through
the cases resulted by their official duty and with the initiative of the
administrative body;
2.0.4. application - written appeal of the
interested person to the administrative body regarding the adoption of an
administrative act or exercising of the rights that he possesses;
2.0.5. administrative complaint - written appeal
of the interested person on an administrative act, refusal to adopt an
administrative act, an action or inaction by an administrative body to a higher
administrative body in terms of subordination in order to defend his interests
protected by law;
2.0.6. administrative proceedings - adoption,
execution, amendment or repeal of an administrative act according to physical
person’s or legal entity’s appeal or administrative body’s own initiative as
well as an execution of the activity of considering administrative complaints
by the relevant administrative bodies within the procedural resolutions defined
by this Law;
2.0.7. discretionary powers - legal delegation of authority to an administrative
body or to an authorized person to choose between possible legally compliant
2.0.8. mutual confidence -
confidence based on certain legal actions or administrative practice in mutual
relations between the administrative body and the physical person or the
legal entity;
2.0.9. interim administrative act -
an act adopted by the administrative body on the organization and execution of
a specific proceeding;
2.0.10. favorable administrative act
- an act that gives a right to interested person or verifies his right or takes
away a duty (duties) put on him;
2.0.11. unfavorable (binding)
administrative act - an act that deprives interested person of a right or
restricts his right or puts a certain duty (duties) on him.
Article 3. Execution scope of
the Law
3.1. Provisions of this Law is
applied to the activity of the bodies prescribed (classified) as an
administrative body by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
3.2. This Law has no retroactive
effect on:
3.2.1. criminal-procedural activity
of the administrative bodies on criminal prosecution;
3.2.2. activity of the
administrative bodies on cases of administrative offences.
3.2-1. Exercise of the administrative proceedings in Alat Free
Trade Zone is regulated in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the
Republic of Azerbaijan On Alat Free Trade Zone.
3.3. Provisions that complement the
provisions stipulated in this Law or special rules on administrative
proceedings (excluding the cases prescribed by Article 30.5 of this Law)
may be prescribed by special laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Article 4. Assignation
4.1. Administrative bodies execute
administrative proceedings on cases legally assigned to their authority.
4.2. Administrative body is obliged
to independently determine whether it has an authority to handle the appeals.
4.3. Disagreements between
administrative bodies on assignation and authority is resolved as prescribed by
law by a commission created by a higher
administrative body in terms of subordination or by relevant executive body. The
procedure for resolving disagreements between
administrative bodies on assignation and authority is prescribed by
relevant executive body.
Article 5. Mutual legal assistance
between administrative bodies
5.1. Administrative body is obliged
to provide legal assistance to another administrative body within its
authority and capabilities based on this body’s appeal.
5.1-1. Administrative
body should ensure provision of legal assistance within 15 days of the appeal
excluding the cases stipulated in Articles 7.1 and 7.2
of this Law. In the cases where more time is needed for providing legal
assistance, the time for administrative body to provide legal assistance may be
extended up to 15 days by providing substantiated information in written form
to the administrative body that has appealed to it for the assistance.
5.2. The provision of legal
assistance between the administrative
bodies that have dependent relationship in terms of subordination is not
considered mutual legal assistance.
Article 6. Terms of legal assistance
6.0. Administrative body may appeal
for legal assistance in the following cases:
6.0.1. when it is unable to execute
any action independently because of the reasons of legal and factual nature;
6.0.2. when the facts that are not
known to it and it may not identify independently are demanded for the
resolution of a certain issue;
6.0.3. when necessary documents or
other proofs that are needed for the resolution of a certain issue are at the
disposal of the relevant administrative body that it has appealed for legal
6.0.4. when necessary expenses
demanded for independently resolving a certain issue are higher than the
expenses demanded for the resolution of this issue by another administrative
body in the form of legal assistance.
Article 7. Rationales for
refusing to provide legal assistance
7.1. Administrative body may refuse
to provide legal assistance in the following cases:
7.1.1. when the provision of the
measures demanded as legal assistance is not within its legally defined
7.1.2. when the measures that needs
to be executed as legal assistance are against the law;
7.1.3. when provision of legal assistance substantially interferes with
carrying out its own functional duties;
7.1.4. when the documents and (or)
information needed as legal assistance contain any confidentiality that is
protected by law.
7.2. Administrative body is not
obliged to provide legal assistance in the following cases:
7.2.1. when another administrative
body may provide legal assistance in a way that is simpler or less costly;
7.2.2. when this administrative body
may only provide very costly legal assistance that is not suitable for the
solicited assistance.
7.3. If an administrative body
refuses to provide legal assistance, it should inform the administrative body
that has appealed to it for this about the refusal in written form within three
days of the appeal.
7.4. Administrative body that has
appealed may appeal to a higher administrative body that carries out
supervision function in relation to the appealed body for legal assistance on
refusal of legal assistance. The issue is considered by a higher administrative
body within 5 days and final decision is made. When refusal from legal
assistance is considered unsubstantiated, higher administrative body gives
relevant order to the administrative body that has been appealed for legal
assistance on immediate provision of the legal assistance.
Article 8. Payment of the
expenses related to legal assistance
When the expenses related to the
provision of the legal assistance is higher than twenty-two Manats, the body
that has appealed for it should pay these expenses.
Article 9. Right of officially
authorizing copies of the documents
9.1. Administrative body may authorize
the copies of administrative acts that have been adopted by it or by a body
that is subordinate to it or other documents.
9.2. Authorized copies of administrative acts or
other documents that have been adopted by administrative body in accordance
with relevant procedure are legally binding.
9.3. Authorization of a document
that has been contextually distorted or disintegrated is not allowed.
9.4. When a document is being
authorized, a sheet containing below-given information should be compiled:
9.4.1. accurate name of the
9.4.2. a note on the compliance of a
document’s copy with its original;
9.4.3. the date and location that
the document has been authorized;
9.4.4. signature of the responsible
official and stamp of the administrative body.
9.5. Each page of the authorized
copy of the document should be signed and stamped by an official.
9.6. The fact of authorizing copy of
administrative act or another document should be
registered in accordance with the procedure prescribed by relevant administrative
General Principles
Article 10. General principles of a legal state
10.1. In the Republic of Azerbaijan
administrative proceedings are executed on the basis of procedural securities
stipulated in international contracts, as well as generally accepted principles
of the law and legal state.
10.2. Generally accepted principles of the law and legal state are directly applied by administrative bodies when
administrative proceedings are carried out.
10.3. Principles that has been stipulated
in this Law may not be interpreted as abatement of the importance of other
Article 11. Principle of
11.1. Administrative bodies are
obliged to follow the demands of the law.
11.2. Administrative bodies may only
interfere with the rights and liberties of a person in cases and procedures
prescribed by law.
Article 12. Principle of
12.1. Everybody is equal in front of
the law and administrative body.
12.2. Adoption of different
resolutions by the administrative body on different cases possessing the same
relevant factual circumstances shall be prohibited.
12.3. Adoption of similar
resolutions by the administrative body on different cases possessing different
relevant factual circumstances shall be prohibited.
12.4. Administrative body is obliged to execute discretionary powers with the
same method and procedures. This provision does not exclude amendment of
existing administrative practice on execution of discretionary powers.
Article 13. Protection of the right of confidence
13.1. Confidence of physical persons
or legal entities to the administrative practice of administrative bodies is
protected by law.
13.2. Administrative body is obliged
to act in accordance with the present administrative practice. Present administrative practice may be altered
into new practice only if public interests demand it. New administrative
practice should be lasting and generic in nature.
13.3. Confidence of physical persons
or legal entities to promises and declarations of authoritative administrative
bodies on subsequent adoption or non-adoption of a certain administrative act
is protected by law.
13.4. Promises and declarations of
administrative bodies that have been stipulated on Article 13.3 of this Law are
considered a reliable security and founds basis of a person’s confidence right
only if they are in written form. Articles 63 and 67-69 of this Law also have
retroactive effect on securities.
13.5. Confidence of physical persons
or legal entities may not be found on unlawful actions.
Article 14. Procedure for the
execution of discretionary powers
14.1. Administrative body is obliged
to execute its discretionary powers within the limits prescribed by law (within
the limits of authority given to it by law).
14.2. Resolutions adopted on the
basis of discretionary powers should be accordance with the aims of these
14.3. During the execution of
discretionary powers, resolutions directed at unsubstantiated restriction of
rights and liberties of physical persons or legal entities may not be adopted.
Article 15. Prohibition of
abuse of formal requirements
15.1. Excluding the cases stipulated by law as a
mandatory condition, placement of any obligations on physical persons and legal
entities by administrative bodies only to ensure the compliance with formal
requirements is prohibited.
15.2. Failure to comply with formal
requirements by physical persons
and legal entities or failure to comply with the
procedure properly in cases not directly stipulated by law may not be basis for
administrative bodies to refuse to make the relevant decision.
15.3. Administrative bodies may not
refuse to adopt documents presented by physical persons or legal entities on
the grounds of obvious and correctable errors on that document that occurred at
the time of writing and calculating.
Article 16. Prohibition of
refusal to execute the right
16.1. The administrative body, which
should execute a legal norm in relation to a physical person or legal entity,
is obliged to execute this norm in accordance with the petition of the
interested person or with its own
initiative in cases arising from its service duties.
16.2. In the event that execution of
the legal norm refers to the discretionary powers of the administrative body,
interested person has the right to demand proper execution of the discretionary
Article 17. Principle of
Measures indicating any interference
with the legal status (freedom of principal action) of physical persons or
legal entities must be proportional to the legal purpose of the administrative
body and should be necessary and appropriate in terms of its content, location,
time and scope of the persons it covers to achieve this purpose.
Article 18. Principle of larger
scope containing smaller scope
18.1. Administrative body may
not require any other action (included or able to be included in
the scope of this action) that was contained in another action previously
committed by physical persons or legal entities in terms of its meaning.
18.2. References and permissions issued
by administrative bodies contain other partial references and permissions
complying with their purpose.
Article 19. Presumption of
19.1. Documents and evidence
submitted by physical persons or legal entities in connection with the factual
circumstances of the case during the administrative proceedings are considered
admissible if their validity is not disproved. It is prohibited to request
additional documents or information from physical persons or legal entities
confirming the admissibility of these documents and evidence.
19.2. In the event that there are
solid doubts about the admissibility of submitted documents and evidence,
administrative body takes measures to determine their admissibility
independently and at its own expense.
Principles and Securities
Article 20. Right to appeal to
administrative body
20.1. Each person has the right to
appeal to the administrative body, to file a petition or to obtain information
from the administrative body on issues directly related to his rights and
legitimate interests.
20.2. When another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation, administrative body is obliged to consider
appeals on issues related to its powers, make relevant decisions or provide
information on these appeals.
Article 21. Participation of
interested persons in administrative proceeding
21.1. When another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation, administrative body should inform interested
person or his representative on administrative proceedings and should ensure
his participation in the case.
21.2. When other cases are not
stipulated in the law, prior to the adoption of the administrative act,
administrative body is obliged to inform interested persons or their
representatives about its content, in particular, identified factual
circumstances of the case as well as the designed measured related to this case
and to listen to their views on them.
21.3. Administrative body may refuse
to hear interested persons or their representatives in the following cases:
21.3.1. if the administrative act,
in which the requirements of interested persons are fully met, is intended to
be adopted;
21.3.2. when it is necessary to
adopt an administrative act immediately in connection with the prevention or
elimination of the threat that may cause a damage to public or state interests;
21.3.3. if the hearing may lead to
overrun the deadline for the adoption of the administrative act;
21.3.4. when it is intended to adopt
a general order or a large number of administrative acts with identical content
or administrative acts through automatic installations;
21.3.5. when it is intended to adopt
an interim administrative act against which a complaint may not be filed
21.3.6. when execution of the
measures related to mandatory execution of administrative acts is intended.
Article 22. Impartiality in
handling the case
22.1. Administrative bodies are
obliged to exercise their powers impartially.
22.2. An official who is interested
in the result of the case may not be involved in the administrative proceeding.
Article 23. Provision of advice
and necessary information by the administrative body
23.1. Administrative body is obliged
to assist the interested person in filing applications, complaints or
petitions, detecting and eliminating the mistakes made in applications,
complaints or petitions and to explain the rights and duties of the person
involved in the administrative proceedings to him.
23.2. Relevant administrative body
is obliged to provide physical persons or legal entities with samples of
applications and other formularies (forms) related to administrative
proceedings according to their appeal or to send them via postal communication
or other electronic communication channels.
Article 24. Objective investigation
of the circumstances of a case
24.1. Administrative body is obliged
to thoroughly, fully and objectively investigate all factual cases that are
significant for the proper solution of the case during the administrative
24.2. Administrative body may not
refuse to investigate and take into account the cases that are in favor of the
interested persons.
24.3. Investigation of all
circumstances of a case during administrative proceedings are based on the
service duties of the administrative body. The method and scope of the
investigation are determined by the administrative body. Administrative body
does not depend on the explanations of the interested persons and the evidence
presented by them.
24.4. When presented evidence is
insufficient, administrative body is obliged to collect additional evidence on
its own initiative.
24.5. Administrative body may not
refuse to accept applications, complaints or petitions submitted by the
persons participating in administrative proceedings and the consideration of
which is a service duty of the administrative body, on the grounds that they
are irrelevant or groundless.
Article 25. Right to become
acquainted with materials of administrative proceedings
25.1. Excluding the cases stipulated by law, interested
persons have the right to become acquainted with the materials of
administrative proceedings both during and after the proceedings or to obtain
information on the proceedings.
25.2. When another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation, information on administrative proceedings may be
provided to other persons only with the consent of the interested persons.
25.3. Administrative body should
provide relevant information within 3 days from the day the application has
been received.
25.4. Administrative body may not
use documents containing any secrets protected by law in its content to the
detriment of interested persons.
25.5. In the event that a document
with any secret protected by law in its content is refused to be submitted for
acquaintance, the administrative body is obliged to provide the interested
person with as complete information as possible about the content of the
document without causing a damage to the interests protected by law.
25.6. Interested persons can become
acquainted with materials of administrative proceedings in the administrative
body where the proceedings are carried out.
25.7. In exceptional cases and on
the basis of written application, interested persons may become acquainted with
the materials of administrative proceedings in another administrative body, as
well as in the diplomatic mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad.
25.8. Interested person has the
right to obtain copies of documents and other materials related to
administrative proceedings.
25.9. A charge may be determined in accordance with the procedure identified by
the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan for
copying documents and other materials and sending through postal communication.
Article 26. Ensuring the
confidentiality of documents or information containing any secret protected by
law in its content
The applicant has the right to
require the administrative authority to ensure the confidentiality of documents
or information that contain family and personal secrets, as well as
professional or commercial secrets in their content.
Article 27. Language of
administrative proceeding
27.1. Administrative proceedings are
conducted in the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan or in the
language of the majority of the population of a certain territory.
27.2. The right to use services of a
translator is explained and provided to those who are involved in
administrative proceedings and do not know the language in which the
proceedings are conducted.
27.3. Documents and information are
provided to persons participating in administrative proceedings in the language
the proceedings are conducted.
Article 28. Justification for starting the administrative
28.1. Justification for starting the
administrative proceedings are the following:
28.1.1. application of a physical person or legal entity;
28.1.2. initiative of the
administrative body or the duty of the administrative body to adopt an
administrative act in the cases stipulated by law;
28.1.3. when a complaint has been
submitted on an administrative act, administrative complaint.
28.2. In the cases stipulated in
Articles 28.1.1 and 28.1.3 of this Law, administrative proceedings start from
the moment of registration of the relevant application or complaint.
28.3. In the cases stipulated in
Article 28.1.2 of this Law, administrative proceedings
start from the moment the interested
person is informed about the proceedings or the first procedural action is
taken against him.
28.4. Taking Articles 28.1.1 and 28.1.2
of this Law as a basis, administrative proceedings are conducted in accordance
with the rules defined in this chapter.
28.5. Taking Article 28.1.3 of this
Law as a basis, administrative proceedings are conducted in accordance with the
rules defined in this chapter taking into account the characteristics defined
in Chapter VII of this Law.
Article 29. Submission of
applications or petitions
29.1. When another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the application is
submitted personally by the interested person to the relevant administrative
body that is authorized to adopt an administrative act regarding the issue
raised in the application or sent via postal communication or electronically.
29.2. Application is presented to
relevant administrative body by interested person in written form in accordance with the procedure identified in
Article 29.1 of this Law.
Article 30. Form and content of
the application
30.1. Application should be drawn up
in writing.
30.2. Application should contain the
following information:
30.2.1. name of the administrative
body the applicant appeals to;
30.2.2. if the applicant is a
physical person, his surname, name, patronymic and address, information on the
document confirming his identity;
30.2.3. the name and legal address
of the legal entity, if the application is submitted by it;
30.2.4. short content of the demand;
30.2.5. the date that the
application was drawn up and the signature of the applicant;
30.2.6. signature of the head or representative
of the legal entity and seal of the legal entity;
30.2.7. the list of the documents
that have been added to the application.
30.3. The documents that have
been stipulated by the law are added to the application as an attachment
upon compliance with the requirements of Article 32.2-1 of this Law.
30.4. If the application does not
meet the requirements stipulated in this article,
the administrative body appoints a short period of time for making corrections
in the application in accordance with these requirements and explains the legal
consequences of non-compliance with the formal requirements to the applicant.
30.5. Administrative body uses electronic information resources
(databases, information searching systems, registers and other information
resources) of state bodies (institutions) within the determined limits in order
to obtain documents as well as electronic documents that should be added to the
application by law. In the cases where this is not possible, submission of these
documents is demanded from relevant administrative body (institution) on
request with the consent of the applicant or provided by the applicant himself.
These documents can be submitted in paper carrier or as an electronic document
in accordance with Article 32.4 of this Law.
Article 31. Acceptance and
registration of applications or petitions
31.1. Administrative body should
accept the application submitted personally by the applicant or received via
postal communication and register it on the same day.
31.2. Administrative body is obliged
to provide or send a reference to the applicant about the registration date and
number of the application no later than three days from the date of acceptance
of the application.
31.3. Administrative body is obliged
to accept and add the petition to the proceeding materials.
Article 32. Request of
additional documents or information
32.1. Administrative body checks the
compliance of the application with the requirements stipulated in the Articles
30 of this Law for a period of three days.
32.2. If the applicant fails to
provide the documents or information that are stipulated in the law and other
normative legal acts and are necessary for the settlement of the case, the
administrative body may require the submission of additional documents or
information, taking into account the requirements of Article 32.2-1 of this
32.2-1. Administrative body may not require the applicant to
obtain documents or information that are necessary for administrative
proceedings and are at the disposal of another administrative body. The
administrative body itself obtains documents or information that are necessary
for administrative proceedings and are at the disposal of another
administrative body. The request of the administrative body to the applicant to
obtain these documents or information shall
entail administrative liability in accordance with Code on
Administrative Violations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
32.3. Administrative body may not
request any documents or information from the applicant other than the ones
stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
32.4. When any other period is not
stipulated in the law, the period determined by the administrative body for
submission of the additional documents or information should not be more than
15 days.
32.5. When any other rule is not
stipulated in the law and when additional documents and information are not
submitted to the administrative body during the period stipulated in Article
32.4 of this Law, the flow of the consideration of the application process is
32.6. Flow of the process is
restored from the moment that the additional documents or information are
submitted to the administrative body.
Article 33. Submission of the
application to the authoritative administrative body
33.1. In the event that the
consideration of an application and adoption of a relevant administrative act
based on it is in the authority of another administrative body, the
administrative body that the applicant appealed should send the application and
the documents attached to it to the authoritative administrative body no later
than 10 days from the date the application is received.
33.2. Applicant should be provided
with substantiated written information within 6 days about the sending of the
application and the documents attached to it to the authoritative
administrative body.
33.3. In the event that it is not
directly stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
submission of any opinion on the nature of the application by the administrative
body that is sending the application to the authoritative administrative body
is prohibited.
33.4. In the cases stipulated in
Article 33.1 of this Law, if the application is submitted within the period
determined by the law, the period of submission of the application is
considered to be followed by the interested person.
Article 34. Keeping the
application pending
34.1. The application can be kept
pending by the authorized administrative body in the following cases:
34.1.1. Excluding the cases identified
in the Article 35.1 of this Law, it is found out that a decision has been made
by the same administrative body or by the relevant upper administrative body
about the person(s) who submitted the application and on the basis of those
specified in the application;
34.1.2. when there is a court
decision that has come into legal force on the same case;
34.1.3. if the requirements
stipulated in Articles 30 and 35.5 of this law are not met.
34.2. A decision is made by the
administrative body in the form of an administrative act on keeping the
application pending.
34.3. An application may be resubmitted to the administrative body
after the shortcomings stipulated in Article 34.1.3 of this Law are eliminated.
Article 35. Justification for
appealing with repeated application for renewal of the administrative
35.1. Interested person may appeal
to the administrative body with a reapplication on repeal or adjustment of an
act against which a complaint cannot be filed in the following cases:
35.1.1. when the factual or legal
circumstances creating a basis for the adoption of an administrative act is
changed in favor of the interested person;
35.1.2. when new evidence that could
lead to adoption of a more favorable administrative act for the interested
person is discovered;
35.1.3. when it is found out by a
legally enforced judicial act that the administrative act is adopted as a
result of deception, intimidation or another unlawful action or that the person
representing the administrative body has committed a crime during the course of
the proceeding.
35.2. In the cases identified in
Article 35.1 of this Law, administrative body is obliged to check the
reapplication and adopt a relevant decision on the application.
35.3. Application is only accepted if
the interested person justifies the impossibility of submitting any basis
stipulated in Article 35.1 of this Law for renewal of the proceeding during the
previous proceeding for the reasons not related to him.
35.4. Application should be
presented within 3 months. The countdown starts from the day the circumstances
that are the basis for the renewal of the proceedings are known to the
interested person.
35.5. Justifications for allowing to
apply for renewal of administrative proceedings with a repeated application
should be noted in the application. If these justifications are not mentioned
in the application, the administrative body shall adopt an administrative act
on keeping the application pending.
Article 36. Participants in
administrative proceeding
36.1. Persons stated below are
considered to be the participants of administrative proceeding:
36.1.1. administrative body carrying
out the administrative proceedings and having the authority to adopt the
relevant administrative act;
36.1.2. physical persons or legal
entities on which an administrative act is intended to be adopted or have
applied with an application for the adoption of an administrative act;
36.1.3. physical persons or legal
entities involved in the proceedings as participants by the administrative
36.2. Only the persons who have
reached the age of majority and are fully operational have the right to apply
with an application and carry out other procedural actions in administrative
36.3. In the cases where it is
assumed that the administrative act that is intended to be adopted will
directly affect the rights and legally protected interests of other physical
persons or legal entities, the administrative body is obliged to ensure their
participation in the proceedings as a third (interested) person.
36.4. If the administrative act that
is intended to be adopted touches upon the legally protected interests of third
parties, administrative body may involve them in proceedings as a participant
on their own initiative or according to the request of these persons.
36.5. Third parties involved as a
participant in the proceedings possess the same rights and duties with other
participants of the proceeding. If a third party whose participation is
mandatory is involved in the proceedings, the administrative act adopted as a
result of the proceedings is also valid in relation to him and creates rights
and duties for him.
36.6. In administrative proceedings,
the provisions of the material law on legal succession are applied. Rights directly
related to the personality of the participant are not allowed to be passed in
the form of legal inheritance.
Article 37. Representation in
administrative proceedings
37.1. Physical person or legal
(interested) entity may participate in administrative proceedings in person or
be represented by a representative.
37.2. Taking a part in the
administrative proceedings in person does not deprive a person from the right
to be represented by a representative on the same case.
37.3. Authority of a representative
are verified by an official approval made official in accordance with the
legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The representative has the right to
perform all procedural actions related to the proceedings on behalf of the
person represented.
37.4. Physical persons who are
disabled or deemed to have limited capabilities are represented by their legal
representatives in administrative proceedings. Legal representatives should
submit a document confirming their authority to the administrative body.
37.5. Legal representatives may
assign the participation in the proceedings to another person they have chosen
as a representative.
37.6. The representative is obliged
to conscientiously defend the interests of the person he represents.
37.7. Administrative body is
represented in administrative proceedings by the head of this body, his deputy
or another official appointed by the head of this body.
37.8. When any other rule is not
stipulated in the law administrative body appeals to the representative on all matters
related to the administrative proceedings.
Article 38. Right of the
interested person to be represented by a lawyer at the administrative
38.1. Interested person has the
right to be represented by a lawyer and use assistance of a lawyer at the
administrative proceeding.
38.2. Lawyers acting in accordance
with the procedure prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan
may be involved in the administrative proceedings.
Article 39. Expenses
39.1. When another rule is not stipulated
in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the expenses related to
administrative proceedings are paid by the relevant administrative body.
39.2. When another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the expenses
incurred by the interested person or his representative in connection with the
administrative proceedings, as well as the representation fee, shall be paid at
the expense of the interested person.
39.3. In cases where the
administrative complaint is confirmed, the costs related to the proceedings are
paid at the expense of the relevant administrative organ.
Article 40. Task of appointing
an attorney to receive the documents
40.1. The interested person
participating in the administrative proceedings and not having a permanent
place of residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan should appoint an attorney to
receive documents addressed to him in connection with the capable personal
administrative proceeding registered at the place of residence in the Republic
of Azerbaijan within three days from the date the administrative body has
informed him about it. Administrative body is obliged to send all the documents
intended for the interested person to this attorney.
40.2. If the person does not comply
with the request stipulated in Article 40.1 of this Law, administrative body
shall not be liable for the non-receipt of the documents by this person and
this may not be justification for invalidation of the administrative act,
excluding the cases stipulated by law.
Article 41. Involvement of an expert or a
41.1. During the administrative
proceedings, administrative body may involve an expert or specialist to
explain the questions related to the factual circumstances of the case by the
request of the interested persons or on its own initiative.
41.2. Administrative body makes a
decision on the appointment of an expert and determines the scope of the
questions (subject of the expert investigation) to which the expert opinion is
required in that decision.
41.3. Interested persons are
entitled to submit additional questions that should be investigated during the
expertise and the additional documents related to these questions to the
administrative body. Administrative body is obliged to justify the rejection of
the questions proposed by interested persons.
41.4. According to the decision of the administrative organ, the
expertise is conducted by experts or specialists of relevant bodies
stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
41.5. Unless otherwise specified in
the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the expert is obliged to submit
an opinion on the research within the period determined by the administrative
41.6. An expert or specialist is
obliged to provide additional explanation on the opinion if it is required by
the administrative body or the interested person.
41.6-1. The specialist should possess special knowledge and skills
in the field of science, technology, art and other professions in order to
provide the necessary assistance to the administrative body. However, the
opinion expressed by the specialist does not compensate for the opinion of the
41.7. When another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the costs related
to conducting the expertise and payment of the expert or specialist fee shall
be covered at the expense of the administrative body.
Article 42. Justification for appealing
against an official
42.1. If an official representing
the interests of the administrative body:
42.1.1. is personally interested in
the result of the case;
42.1.2. is or has been a relative of
the interested person involved in the case or his representative;
42.1.3. is a representative of the
interested person involved in the case;
42.1.4. himself or his family
members are linked to the legal entity belonging to the interested
42.1.5. he cannot be involved in
administrative proceedings if there are other sufficient justifications to
doubt his objectivity or impartiality.
42.2. When the justifications
stipulated in Article 42.1 of this Law are present, the official is obliged to
appeal against himself.
42.3. Interested person may appeal
against the official in charge of the case if the justifications stipulated in
Article 42.1 of this Law are present and against any member of the board if the
case is considered collectively.
Article 43. Justification for
appealing against the expert, specialist or translator
43.1. If the justifications provided
for in Article 42.1 of this Law are present, involvement of the expert,
specialist or translator in the administrative proceedings is prohibited.
43.2. An expert or specialist may
not be involved in administrative proceedings also in the following cases:
43.2.1. when he is professionally or
in any other way dependent on the persons involved in the case or their
43.2.2. when he carries out an
inspection on the materials that caused the commencement of the administrative
proceedings or when these materials are used in the administrative proceedings.
Article 44. Procedure for
considering and resolving applications for objection
44.1. The application of the
official against himself or another official should be submitted in writing and
substantiated until the administrative act on the case is adopted.
44.2. Application for objection
should be considered no later than one day from the date the appeal has been
44.3. Application for objection is
considered by the direct head of the objected official or the head of this
administrative body and the relevant decision is made. Appeal against the head
of an administrative body is considered by the relevant supervisory body and a
decision is made.
44.4. Application for objection
against a member of the collegial body is considered by the members of the
collegial body without the participation of the objected official and a
relevant decision is made on it by majority of votes.
44.5. Administrative body should
inform the interested person about the decision on the objection in accordance
with the procedure identified with this Law.
44.6. A complaint on the decision of
the objection can be filed in accordance with the procedure prescribed by this
Article 45. Evidence in
administrative proceedings
45.1. The administrative body
independently collects and takes into account the evidence it considers useful
and necessary for determining the factual circumstances of the case.
45.2. During the administrative
proceedings, the administrative body may use the following evidence:
45.2.1. the documents;
45.2.2. the explanations of the
parties and third parties involved in the case;
45.2.3. witness testimonies;
45.2.4. results of relevant examinations
45.2.5. expert opinions;
45.2.6 references submitted by other
administrative bodies in the form of legal assistance;
45.2.7. other evidence that is
crucial for the proper solution of the case.
45.3. It is prohibited to use the
evidence that is obtained by violating the law.
Article 46. Submission and
request of evidence
46.1. Persons involved in
administrative proceedings are obliged to help determine all the factual
circumstances of the case, to provide information about the facts that are
crucial for the case and known to them, to provide the necessary evidence they
46.2. If the person involved in the
case does not have the opportunity to obtain the necessary evidence
independently, he appeals to the administrative body with a petition to request
this evidence. The petition should stipulate the importance of the evidence for
the case, its characteristics and location. Administrative body is obliged to
demand and ensure the submission of this evidence.
46.3. It is prohibited to request
evidence on the authenticity of the content of the functioning document from
the interested person.
Article 47. Evaluation of
47.1. Administrative body evaluates
the evidence in accordance with all factual and legal circumstances that are
crucial to the case.
47.2. At the request of the
interested persons, administrative body is obliged to explain or comment on all
facts, evidence or proofs it wishes to justify the administrative act intended
to be adopted as well as on the legal basis it proposes for the adoption of the
administrative act.
Article 48. Calculation of
periods in administrative proceedings
48.1. Actions related to
administrative proceedings are carried out within the periods specified by this
Law and other relevant laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
48.2. The flow of the period
determined by law begins from the date the commencement of the period is
decided or from the day after the event occurred.
48.3. In the event that the periods
are not determined by law, they are assigned by the cases where the deadlines
are not established by law, they are appointed by the administrative body.
48.4. The flow of the period
appointed by the administrative body starts from the moment the administrative
body has informed the interested person about it or from the moment of official
announcement of the relevant information in cases stipulated in the legislation
of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
48.5. Periods are calculated by
calendar days.
48.6. If the deadline turns out to
be a non-working day, next working day is considered the deadline.
Article 49. Extension of
49.1. Periods appointed by the
administrative body may be extended by that body on the application of the
interested person.
49.2. Administrative body is obliged
to warn interested persons about the consequences of non-compliance with the
appointed term.
Article 50. Restoration of Periods
50.1. If the administrative body
considers the reason for the suspension of the period determined by law to be
justified, it restores the period of suspension according to the application of
the interested person.
50.2. The interested person should
appeal to the administrative body with a written application on the restoration
of the period of suspension not later than 10 days from the date the reasons
specified in Article 50.1 of this Law are eliminated. Documents confirming that
the reason for the suspension of the period is justified should be attached to
the application.
50.3. The administrative body
considers the application on the restoration of the period of suspension within
5 days.
50.4. At the same time with the
filing of an application on the restoration of the period, the action for which
the period has been suspended should be carried out (application and complaint
should be filed, documents should be submitted, etc.).
50.5. In the cases directly
prohibited by law, the restoration of the period of suspension is not allowed.
50.6. Interested persons may file a
complaint on the decision of the administrative body to reject to restore the
period of suspension in accordance with the procedure identified with this Law.
Article 51. Informing about
administrative proceeding
51.1. The administrative body is
obliged to notify the persons involved in the administrative proceedings and if
necessary, witnesses, experts, translators and representatives of other bodies
about the time and place of the meeting on the administrative proceedings.
51.2. The administrative body may
use various means of communication for the purpose of delivering relevant
information to the persons specified in Article 51.1 of this Law.
51.3. The notification is sent to
the address indicated by the person involved in the administrative proceedings.
51.4. The notice is given to the
person involved in the case or his representative, as well as to the close
relatives of the citizen living with him.
51.5. There should be enough time at
the disposal of the persons involved in the case to arrive on time to the
meeting on administrative proceedings and get prepared for the case.
Article 52. Duration of
administrative proceedings
52.1. No later than 30 days after
the registration of the application or appeal in the authorized administrative
body, the administrative body decides on the adoption or refusal of adoption
for the administrative act.
52.2. According to the relevant laws
of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the period that is longer or shorter than the
one stipulated in Article 52.1 of this Law may be determined.
52.3. In the cases where a period
that is longer than the one stipulated in Article 52.1 of this law is demanded,
the period of administrative proceedings may be extended twice by the
administrative body, with 30 days each, in order to identify the cases that are
significant for administrative proceedings. The administrative body informs the
interested person about the extension of the period.
52.4. In the cases stipulated in the
Article 52.3 of this Law, the cases that lead to the extension of the period
should be justified by the administrative body in the administrative act.
52.5. In every case, including the
adoption of an administrative act, total duration of administrative proceedings
may not exceed 90 days.
Administrative Proceedings in the
Collegial Administrative Body
Article 53. Procedures of the administrative
proceeding in the collegial administrative body
53.1. If another rule is not
stipulated by the law, the proceedings in the collegial administrative body are
carried out taking into account the provisions of this chapter.
53.2. If another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the decision on
the application submitted to the collegial body is taken only by the collegial
53.3. The rule stipulated in Article
53.2 of this Law does not apply to the cases where the application is sent to
the relevant administrative body by the executive official of this collegial
body or the application is kept pending.
Article 54. Procedure for
conducting collegial body meeting
54.1. The meeting of the collegial
body is opened and announced closed by the executive official of this body and
in the absence of him, by the person elected as the chairman of the meeting in
accordance with the legislation and announces it closed.
54.2. Chairman of the meeting
conducts the meeting in accordance with the current agenda.
Article 55. Quorum
55.1. All members of the collegial
administrative body are invited to its meeting.
55.2. The collegial administrative
body has the authority to make decisions in cases where at least half of its members
(not less than three people) are participating in the meeting.
55.3. If another rule is not
stipulated in the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the decision of
the collegial administrative body is considered to be accepted when more than half
of the members participating in the meeting voted in favor of this decision.
Article 56. Meeting protocol of
the collegial administrative body
56.1. A protocol providing the
following information about the meeting of the collegial administrative organ
is drawn up:
56.1.1. on the name of the collegial
administrative body;
56.1.2. on the date and location of
the meeting;
56.1.3. on the chairman and
participants of the meeting;
56.1.4. on the scope of the
56.1.5. on the adopted decision.
56.2. Minutes of the meeting is
signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting.
Article 57. Form of the
administrative act
57.1. If no other form is stipulated
or allowed by law, administrative act shall be adopted in written form.
57.2. Written administrative act is
drawn up by relevant official of the administrative body executing the
proceeding or one of the officials of the collegial administrative body.
Administrative act is signed by relevant official of the administrative body or
the members of the collegial administrative body.
57.3. An administrative act may be
accepted orally or in other comprehensible form (in other understandable form)
in the cases directly stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
as well as in urgent cases in connection with the prevention or elimination of
a threat that may cause a damage to state or public interests.
57.4. According to Article 57.3 of
this Law, the administrative act accepted orally or other comprehensible form
(in other understandable form) shall be established in writing within 5 days
from the date of its announcement in the following cases:
57.4.1. when the administrative act
is restricting the rights and legally protected interests of the addressee or
other interested person (in cases where an unfavorable administrative act is
57.4.2. when administrative body
promises to accept the administrative act in written form;
57.4.3. as directly stipulated by
57.5. In the cases stipulated by
law, an administrative act may be accepted in the form of light signals, sounds
and signs, drawings or other forms.
Article 58. General
requirements for the administrative act
58.1. The administrative act should
be adopted in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
this Law and other relevant legal norms.
58.2. Administrative act should be
fairly clear and understandable in terms of its content.
58.3. Legal entities or physical
persons to whom the administrative act is addressed and the issues it regulates
or resolves should be clearly stated in the administrative act.
Article 59. Details of the
written administrative act
59.1. The following information must
be stated in the written administrative act:
59.1.1. name of the body that
adopted the administrative act;
59.1.2. name and legal address of
the legal entity to which the administrative act is addressed or the name,
patronymic, surname and address of the physical person;
59.1.3. name of the administrative
act, date and place of its adoption, its registration number;
59.1.4. surname, name and signature
of the official of the administrative body adopting the adminiculary act or the
members of the collegial administrative body;
59.1.5. information on the possible
means of legal protection against this act, the period for using these means of
legal protection and the body (bodies, including the court) to which the
interested person can file a complaint (claim) on this;
59.1.6. the seal of the
administrative organ that adopted the administrative act.
59.2. When the administrative act is
adopted with the help of technical (automatic) devices, it is possible not to
have the signature of the official and the seal of the administrative organ on
59.3. The content of the
administrative act can be expressed in various coded symbols.
In such cases, appropriate
explanation should be added to this act so that the person that the act has
been addressed to understands its content unequivocally.
Article 60. Stipulation of
additional provisions (instructions) in the administrative act
60.1. The administrative act
required to be adopted may stipulate additional provisions in the cases
determined by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan or in order to
ensure the execution of the legal conditions of the administrative act.
60.2. Administrative act adopted by
the administrative body on the basis of discretionary powers may stipulate
additional provisions determining the following:
60.2.1. the instance of taking and
ceasing to have effect of any privilege or duty (obligation) stipulated in this
60.2.2. whether the instance of
taking and ceasing to have effect of any privilege or duty (obligation) depends
on any occurrence in the future.;
60.2.3. notes on the maintenance of
the right to repeal this act;
60.2.4. whether the interested
person should take certain actions and allow or refrain from committing certain
actions (terms of execution for the obligation) or amendment of the terms
related to the execution of the obligation or attachment of new terms.
60.3. Additional provisions must
comply with the objectives of the administrative act. A complaint can be filed
on the additional provisions only together with the administrative act.
Article 61. Justification of the
administrative act
61.1. An administrative act
determined in writing or in written form should be justified in writing.
61.2. During the justification, the
factual and legal circumstances of the case and the evidence confirming or
refusing these circumstances, as well as the laws and other normative legal
acts referenced in the adoption of the administrative act should be indicated.
61.3. If the administrative act is
adopted within the scope of the discretionary powers, administrative body
should accurately and clearly justify its own discretions.
61.4. The administrative body is
obliged to justify the act it has adopted only with the facts and evidence
explored during the proceedings.
61.5. Justification of the
administrative act is not required in the following cases:
61.5.1. when the application of the
interested person is confirmed by the administrative body or a favorable
administrative act is adopted with respect to the interested person;
61.5.2. when a large number of
similar administrative acts are adopted by the administrative body or the
administrative acts are adopted with the help of the technical (automatic)
devices and there is no need to justify each such administrative act
61.5.3. when a general order adopted
by the administrative body is openly announced to an indefinite number of
people or is published in the mass media;
61.5.4. in other cases stipulated by
the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Article 62. Providing information
about the adoption of an administrative act
62.1. The administrative body is
obliged to provide official information to interested persons or their
representatives about the adoption of the administrative act. Official
information is provided by directly announcing, submitting or publishing the
administrative act to the interested persons.
62.2. The administrative act sent
within the country via postal communication is considered to be submitted to
the interested person after 5 days from the date of its submission to the mail
while the administrative act sent by electronic means is considered to be
submitted to the interested person after 3 days from the date of its
62.3. The rule stipulated in Article
62.2 of this Law does not apply to cases where the interested person has not
received the administrative act or received it late. In cases where the
interested person claims that he has not received the administrative act or
that he has received it late, administrative body is responsible for proving
whether the administrative act has been provided to him and the duration of it.
62.4. In the cases stipulated by the
legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, written administrative act is
published in mass media. Administrative act is considered to have been
announced after 10 days from the date of its publication.
62.5. The procedure for the
publication of the written administrative act in the mass media is determined
by the relevant administrative body.
Article 63. Amendment of
obvious errors in the administrative act
63.1. On its own initiative or
according to the application of the interested persons, administrative body may
correct errors of writing and calculation in the administrative act it has
63.2. Administrative body may demand
the document that needs to be amended.
63.3. Amendments to the
administrative act must be confirmed with the signature of the relevant
official of the administrative organ or members of the collegial administrative
63.4. Administrative body is obliged
to officially inform the interested persons about the amendments made to the
administrative act in accordance with the procedure identified with Article 62
of this Law.
Article 64. Legal power and
validity of the administrative act
64.1. Administrative act comes into
legal force from the moment the person that it has been addressed to or the
person whose interests it deals with are informed about it or from the moment
it is known to these persons. Administrative act comes into legal force and is
considered legally valid in the content about which the information is given.
64.2. The administrative act retains
its legal force and is considered legally valid until it is withdrawn, repealed
or amended with the procedures defined or invalidated by expiration or anything
64.3. The administrative body is
obliged to inform interested persons about the withdrawal, repeal, amendment or
being considered invalid of an administrative act.
64.4. Invalid administrative act has
no legal power.
Article 65. Invalidity of the
administrative act
65.1. The following administrative
acts are considered invalid:
65.1.1. a written administrative act
that is not known to be adopted which administrative body;
65.1.2. an administrative act
adopted by the administrative body that does not possess relevant authority;
65.1.3. an administrative act that
can be adopted only in the form of a certain official document (submission of
an official document) according to the legislation but does not meet this
65.1.4. an administrative act
requiring the interested person to take actions that may lead to administrative
or criminal liability;
65.1.5. an administrative act that
cannot be executed for factual reasons;
65.1.6. an administrative act that
it is unclear to whom it is addressed.
65.2. Invalid administrative act is
considered useless (insignificant) from the moment of its adoption and does not
create any legal consequences.
65.3. On its own initiative or at
the request of the interested person, the administrative body that has adopted
the administrative act, is obliged to confirm the act’s invalidity in the cases
stipulated by Article 65.1 of this Law. Interested persons are informed about
this in accordance with the procedure stipulated by Article 62 of the same Law.
Article 66. Consequences of
non-adoption of an administrative act during the administrative proceedings
In the event that an administrative
act is not adopted by the administrative body on the application of the
interested person within the period defined in Article 52 of this Law, the
interested person may apply to the court.
Article 67. Repeal of the
unlawful administrative act
67.1. An administrative act that has
been adopted by the administrative body as a result of violation or improper
application of legal norms or material law norms on administrative proceeding
is considered to be unlawful.
67.2. Unlawful administrative act
may be repealed by the administrative body that has adopted it or by a higher administrative body in terms of subordination
as well as in court.
67.3. Unlawful unfavorable
administrative act must be repealed in any case. If any other rule is not
stipulated by the relevant laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the annulment of
the unlawful unfavorable Administrative Act eliminates the legal consequences
arising from the moment of the act. Unlawful unfavorable administrative act
should be repealed in any case. When another rule is not stipulated by the
relevant laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, repeal of the unlawful unfavorable
administrative act eliminates legal consequences created from the moment this
act had been prescribed.
67.4. Unlawful favorable
administrative act may only be repealed within the limits stipulated by this
67.5. In the cases where the interested
person has confides in the content of it and this confidence is legally
protected, as well as in cases where it does not violate the rights or legally
protected interests of other persons and state interests or public interests,
repeal of an unlawful favorable administrative act that provides for one-time
or current monetary or commodity obligations with respect to the interested
person or caused the fulfillment of such obligations is prohibited. In the
event that the interested person has spent the money given to him or has used
the property and therefore is not able to return them or will suffer a
significant damage if he returns them, this person has the right to legally
protected confidence.
67.6. The interested person may not
refer to the right to legally protected confidence in the following cases:
67.6.1. when he has achieved the
adoption of an administrative act through bribery, intimidation or deception;
67.6.2. when the adoption of an
administrative act is achieved by submitting documents containing incorrect or
distorted information;
67.6.3. if he knew that the
administrative act was illegal or did not know as a result of gross negligence.
67.7. In cases indicated by Article
67.6 of this Law, the unlawful favorable administrative act must be repealed.
The repeal of this act eliminates legal consequences created from the moment
this act had been prescribed. In this case, the interested person is obliged to
pay for the money spent or the items used. The amount of the payment is
determined in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Republic
of Azerbaijan On Unjustified Enrichment.
67.8. An unlawful favorable
administrative act that interferes with the rights or legally protected
interests of other persons and state or public interests must be repealed. The
repeal of this act does not eliminate legal consequences created from the
moment this act had been prescribed.
67.9. In the event that the
confidence of the interested person is legally protected, a compensation should
be paid to him for the material damage caused by having confidence in the
content of the administrative act that has been repealed in accordance with the
Article 67.8 of this Law. Compensation is paid in accordance with the appeal of
the interested person.
67.10. The amount of the
compensation to be paid to the interested person is determined by the body that
has repealed the unlawful administrative act and should be proportional to the
amount of real damage inflicted on this person.
67.11. The interested person can
claim the compensation to be paid within one year. The flow of the process
begins from the day the interested person is informed about the repeal of the
illegal administrative act in accordance with the procedure identified by this
67.12. Unlawful administrative act
may be repealed within one year from the date the cases conditioning its repeal
are known. This rule does not apply to the cases stipulated in Article 67.6.1
of this Law.
67.13. The interested person is
informed about the repeal of the unlawful administrative act in accordance with
the procedure identified with Article 62 of this Law.
Article 68. Repeal of a legal
administrative act
68.1. Legally unfavorable
administrative act may be repealed in whole or in part by the body that has
adopted it excluding the cases where the repeal of this act is directly
prohibited by the law.
68.2. Legally favorable
administrative act can only be repealed in the following cases:
68.2.1. when the repeal of the
administrative act is directly stipulated by law or when the administrative act
itself has a relevant record on it;
68.2.2. when the interested person
is not using the privileges (rights) established by the administrative act or
does not use them properly and for proper period of time;
68.2.3. when an administrative act’s
state of staying in force may cause a damage to the state and public interests
due to the legal or factual circumstances arisen after the adoption of this
68.2.4. when changing the legal norm
according to which an administrative act was adopted results in the
justification of an administrative organ for not accepting it and the
interested person is not using the privileges (rights) established by the
administrative act or the obligations guaranteed by the administrative act in
relation to him are not fulfilled or this act’s state of staying in force may
cause a damage the state or public interests.
68.3. Repeal of a legal
administrative act does not eliminate legal consequences created from the
moment this act had been prescribed.
68.4. The legal administrative act
may be repealed within one year from the date the cases conditioning its repeal
are known.
68.5. In the event that the
confidence of the interested person is legally protected, a compensation should
be paid to him for the material damage caused by having confidence in the
content of the administrative act that has been repealed in accordance with the
Article 68.2.3 and 68.2.4 of this Law. Compensation is paid in accordance with
the appeal of the interested person.
68.6. The amount of the compensation
to be paid to the interested person is determined by the body that has repealed
legal administrative act and should be proportional to the amount of real
damage inflicted on this person.
68.7. Interested person is informed
about the repeal of the legal administrative act in accordance with the
procedure identified with Article 62 of this Law.
Article 69. Invalidation or
repeal of a part of the administrative act
69.1. Invalidation or repeal of a
part of the administrative act is executed in accordance with the procedure
identified with Article 65, 67 and 68 of this Law.
69.2. The invalidity or cancellation
of a part of the administrative act does not result in the invalidity or
cancellation of other parts of this act (if these parts are not related to each
Article 70. Returning the
Documents or items issued on the
basis of an administrative act to confirm or execute any right may be requested
by the relevant administrative body after this administrative act is deemed
invalid or cancelled. The person who factually owns those documents or items is
obliged to return them.
Proceedings on Administrative
Article 71. Right to file a
complaint against an administrative act
71.1. Interested persons have the
right to file a complaint against an administrative act or refusal of its
adoption in order to protect their rights or legally protected interests.
71.2. In cases where the purpose of
the appeal of a person is not related to the adoption of the administrative
act, a complaint may also be filed against the action or inaction of an
administrative body in accordance with the rules of this chapter.
71.3. A compliant may be
independently filed against interim administrative acts to a higher administrative
body in terms of subordination or another body that have the authority to
consider the complaint (hereinafter - the complaint instance) only about the
following cases:
71.3.1. about authority;
71.3.2. about the objection;
71.3.3. about refusal to submit the
proceedings materials to the interested person to become acquainted or to
inform the interested person about the case;
71.3.4. in other cases directly
stipulated by law.
Article 72. Procedure for
filing and withdrawing an administrative complaint
72.1. An administrative and judicial
complaint can be filed against an administrative act.
72.2. When both an administrative
complaint (administrative lawsuit) and judicial complaint is filed against an
administrative act at the same time, the complaint is considered in court and
the proceedings initiated on this complaint are terminated in the complaint
72.3. An administrative complaint is
submitted to the complaint instance directly or through the administrative body
that has adopted the administrative act. The administrative body is obliged to
send this complaint to the complaint instance within 3 days.
72.4. The provisions of this chapter
apply to complaints filed through administrative procedure.
72.5. Judicial complaint
(administrative lawsuit) against administrative acts is filed in accordance
with the procedure identified by relevant law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
72.6. Administrative complaint can
be withdrawn on the basis of the application of the interested person or his
representative until relevant decision on this complaint stipulated by Article
80 of this Law is made.
Article 73. Period for filing
an administrative complaint
73.1. When another rule is not
stipulated by the law, the complaint is submitted to the relevant complaint
instance within 30 days from the date the administrative act has come into
73.2. When an administrative act
does not specify possible means of legal protection against it and the
procedure and period for using (filing a complaint) these means of legal
protection or when the administrative act interferes with the legal interests
of other interested persons that it has not been addressed to (for the first
time), complaint may be filed against this administrative act within 6 months
from the date it has come into force.
73.3. When the period for filing a
complaint against an administrative act is missed due to a justified reason,
this period is restored by the complaint instance according to the application
of the interested person.
Article 74. Form and content of
administrative complaint
74.1. The administrative complaint
is drawn up in writing.
74.2. The administrative complaint
should contain the following information:
74.2.1. name and address of the
administrative organ where the complaint was filed;
74.2.2. surname, name, patronymic,
place of residence or location (name and legal address of the legal entity),
procedural status in administrative proceedings of the person that has filed a
74.2.3. administrative act or action
(inaction) on which the complaint has been filed;
74.2.4. the request of the person
who has filed the complaint and the basis of this request;
74.2.5. the date that the complaint
has been drawn up;
74.2.6. signature of the person
filing the complaint.
74.3. If an administrative complaint
does not meet the formal requirements stipulated by this Article,
administrative body appoints a short period of time for adjusting the complaint
accordingly and explains the legal consequences of non-compliance with the
formal requirements to the complainant.
Article 75. Justification for
keeping an administrative complaint pending
75.1. Complaint instance keeps the
administrative complaint pending in the following cases:
75.1.1. when the requirements stipulated
in Article 74 of this Law are not met;
when another authoritative administrative body or court has a decision on the
subject of the complaint that has come into legal force;
75.1.3. when the period for filing
an administrative complaint that has been stipulated by law has been missed and
has not been restored;
75.1.4. when the complaint was
withdrawn according to the application of the interested person or his
75.2. Complaint instance makes a
decision to keep the complaint pending. A complaint may be filed against this
decision in the procedure prescribed by this Law.
75.3. Complaint instance should give
the person who submitted the complaint an opportunity to express his opinion
before the decision on the complaint is taken.
75.4. After the elimination of the
justifications stipulated by Article 75.1.1 of this Law, an administrative
complaint in the usual manner may be filed again.
Article 76. Legal consequences
of filing an administrative complaint
76.1. Excluding
the cases where a decision on suspending the execution of an administrative act
has been made according to Article 76.2 of this Law, filing an administrative
complaint does not suspend the execution of the administrivia act against which
it has been filed.
76.2. When an administrative
complaint has been filed, the issue of suspending the execution of an
administrative act against which the complainant has been filed is considered
immediately according to the application of the interested person or by the
complaint instance with its own
initiative for its service duty and the relevant
decision is taken.
76.3. The decision to suspend the
execution of an administrative act must be justified by the complaint instance.
Article 77. A court defense of
a temporary nature
77.1. Regardless of the filing of an
administrative complaint, the interested person can appeal to the court for the
defense of a temporary nature.
77.2. The application of the
interested person on the defense of temporary nature is considered by the
relevant courts in accordance with the procedure and period prescribed by the
legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Article 78. Period of
consideration for administrative complaint
78.1. If no other period is
specified in the law, the complaint instance is obliged to consider the
administrative complaint within 1 month from the date of its submission and
make a decision accordingly.
78.2. The complainant may file a
complaint to the court when a decision has not been made by the complaint
instance within the period stipulated by Article 78.1 of this Law or when he
disagrees with the decision that has been made by the complaint instance.
Article 79. Procedure for
consideration of an administrative complaint
79.1. Proceedings on administrative
complaints are carried out taking into account the specifics of this chapter
and in accordance with the procedure established in Chapter IV of this Law.
79.2. When the complaint is
submitted to the administrative body that has adopted the administrative act,
the body is obliged to send the complaint and the materials related to the
proceedings to the complaint instance. If the complaint is submitted by the
interested party directly to the complaint instance, this body may request
materials related to the proceedings from the administrative body that has
adopted the administrative act against which the complaint has been filed.
79.3. During the proceedings on the
complaint, the complaint instance considers the case accordingly and in full
and investigates legality and expediency of the act against which the complaint
has been filed.
79.4. The decision of the complaint
instance on the complaint should be based on evidence both provided in the case
and presented additionally.
79.5. In no case can the complaint
instance entrust the consideration of the complaint to the administrative body
or its officials that has adopted the administrative act against which the
complaint has been filed.
Article 80. Decision making on
administrative complaint
80.1. After reviewing the administrative
complaint, the complaint instance:
keeps the administrative act unchanged and administrative complaint
disregarded or;
repeals the administrative act completely or partially and adopts a new
administrative act on the basis of the evidence provided in the case or
presented additionally or;
amends the administrative act;
80.1.4. if the administrative
complaint is filed in accordance with Article 71.2 of this Law against the
action or inaction of the administrative body, the decision on the result of
the investigation that has been conducted according to the complaint is taken.
80.2. The decision taken by the
complaint instance on the administrative complaint is considered to be an
administrative act and must comply with the requirements established by this
Law on administrative acts.
Execution of an Administrative Act
Article 81. Procedure for
execution of administrative acts
81.1. Administrative act is
mandatory for the person (persons) to whom it is addressed and this person
(persons) is obliged to obey it.
81.2. If another rule is not
stipulated by the law, the decision on the administrative act as well as
administrative complaint is executed by the administrative body that has
adopted it.
81.3. Administrative body is obliged
to exactly determine the actions that the person should perform in connection
with the execution of an administrative act.
81.4. Interested person has the
right to execute the administrative act with the legal methods and means that
are more convenient for him.
81.5. Legal requirements of the
administrative body on the execution of an administrative act are mandatory for
all state and local self-governing bodies, legal entities and physical persons.
Article 82. Execution of
monetary requests
Mandatory execution of administrative acts on the payment of monetary
requirements is carried out by executive officers according to the Law of the
Republic of Azerbaijan On Execution.
82.2. The administrative body that
has adopted the administrative act makes a decision on directing the request to
execution. In this case, the decision of the court is not required for
directing the request to execution.
82.3. The following are the
conditions for making a decision on directing the request to execution:
an administrative act that prescribes the payment of monetary requirements by
the debtor for at least 10 days has been adopted;
82.3.2. the execution period
specified for the payment of monetary requirements has come to an end;
82.3.3. after the warning to the
debtor by the administrative body, the debtor does not carry out payment within
10 days from the date of the announcement of the notice.
Article 83. Execution of the
administrative acts that makes the debtor perform certain actions, tolerate
certain actions or refrain from doing certain actions
83.1. A sufficient period (at least
10 days) should be set to the interested person for the voluntary execution of
an administrative act that makes the debtor perform certain actions, endure
certain actions or refrain from doing certain actions.
83.2. An administrative act that is
not executed voluntarily within the period prescribed in accordance with
Article 83.1 of this Law is executed mandatorily.
83.3. Mandatory execution of an
administrative act that makes the debtor perform certain actions, endure
certain actions or refrain from doing certain actions can be provided by the
following mandatory execution measures:
83.3.1. execution of the action
prescribed by the administrative act at the expense of the debtor (interested
person) by another person or administrative body;
83.3.2. a fine;
83.3.3. direct coercion.
83.4. Interested person should be
notified in advance by the administrative body about the application of
mandatory execution measures. In cases directly stipulated by the legislation
of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as in urgent cases related to the
prevention or elimination of a threat that can be a damage to state or public
interests, the interested person may not be warned in advance about the
application of mandatory execution measures.
83.5. The notice is given in written
form and is officially presented to the interested person in the procedure
prescribed by this Law.
83.6. The notice indicates the
period specified for the voluntary execution of the administrative act and the
corresponding mandatory execution measure that is intended to be applied after
the expiration of this period. Only one mandatory execution measure can be
stipulated by the notice. In the event that the previously chosen mandatory
execution measure does not yield any results, application of a more serious or
another mandatory execution measure is allowed. Mandatory execution measures
can be repeated, hardened or modified until the administrative act is executed.
83.7. The notice should refer to the
administrative act to be executed and the justification for the application of
mandatory execution measures should be indicated.
83.8. Administrative body is obliged
to comply with the principle of proportionality in the application of mandatory
executive measures.
83.9. If the person executes the
administrative act, application of the mandatory execution measures should be
stopped immediately.
Article 84. Execution of an
administrative act at the expense of the debtor (interested person)
84.1. If the action (actions)
stipulated by the administrative act is not carried out by the debtor and the
execution of this action is possible by another person or body, administrative
body may entrust the execution of the action to that person or body at the
expense of the debtor.
84.2. In cases stipulated by Article
84.1 of this Law, the expenses related to the execution of the administrative
act is paid at the expense of the interested person (debtor).
Article 85. Ensuring the
execution of an administrative act through a fine
85.1. A fine may be imposed by the
administrative body in accordance with the legislation in order to ensure the
execution of an administrative act that makes a person perform a certain action
or refrain from a certain action.
Physical persons cannot be fined more than forty-four Manats, while legal
entities cannot be fined more than three hundred and thirty Manats.
The amount of the fine may not be less than four Manats.
85.4. The fine is transferred to the
state budget.
Article 86. Direct coercion
86.1. When the execution of the
administrative act is not possible through the mandatory execution measures
stipulated by Articles 84 and 85 of this Law or when the application of such
measures is not possible in terms of objective conditions, administrative body
may directly force the interested person to perform certain actions or refrain from
doing certain actions or it may immediately carry out this action itself.
86.2. Relevant measures stipulated
by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan On Police may be used during the
direct coercion.
86.3. Direct coercion measure may be
applied only by the administrative body with the relevant authority and in
accordance with the procedure prescribed by law.
Article 87. Procedure for the
execution of administrative acts adopted by municipalities
execution of administrative acts adopted by the municipalities is carried out
by executive officers in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan
On Execution.
Article 88. Filing a complaint
against the decision on the application of mandatory execution measures
The interested person may file a
complaint to the upper administrative body in accordance with the procedure
identified with Chapter VII of this Law or to the court in accordance with the
procedure identified with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the
application of compulsory execution measures.
Article 89. Responsibility of
administrative bodies
89.1. Relevant administrative body
is responsible for the damage caused to interested person as a result of
unlawful decisions (administrative acts) or actions (inaction) of the
administrative bodies in accordance with the procedure identified by the Civil
Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
89.2. Interested person may file a
complaint to the relevant court against the decision of an administrative body
to refuse to pay a compensation.
Article 90. Responsibility of
administrative body officials
90.1. Officials of administrative
bodies bear disciplinary, administrative or criminal responsibility in accordance with the procedure identified by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan
for violating the provisions of this Law.
90.2. In the event that the
compensation is paid to the interested person for the damage caused as a result
of the fault that is gross negligence or intent of an official, this official
can be held materially accountable by the relevant administrative body in the
form of a regressive claim.
Article 91. Entry into force of
the Law
Law enters into force on the same day as the Administrative Procedural Code of
the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of
Baku, October 21, 2005
Number 1036-IIQ